The Nose Knows It’s bad enough that our kids are hooked on video games and computers, now a dog food company is trying to get our four-legged companions hooked on TV commercials! Ads Use Inaudible Sounds To Humans Nestle Purina dog food advertising has created a commercial with sounds that only dogs can hear. Inaudible to humans, the commercial contains …
Jerks Who Let Their Dogs Bark And Bark And Bark I hate jerks who let their dogs bark and bark. This week’s thoughts are for irresponsible and inconsiderate dog owners, specifically those jerk neighbors who let their dogs yip, whine and bark outside for hour upon hour, day and night, upsetting people for blocks in every direction. Maybe to them …
Pets Love Chocolate Just like their human counterparts, pets, especially dogs, crave the delicious goodness of chocolate. But, while recent studies have shown that chocolate may be beneficial to human health, it’s important to know that chocolate can be toxic, and in extreme cases, even fatal for animals. Chocolate Can Be Toxic, Even Fatal Dogs are most commonly affected due …