The Corporatization Of Marijuana
The corporatization of marijuana (falsely stated to be the ‘legalization’) was initially a huge boon to ‘friends’ of the government (aka: insider traders) who handed their bribers and buddies an entire industry on a silver platter, promising police protection of their markets. But, the heavy-handedness of forcing Canadians to only buy from government sanctioned inside traders and then having the audacity of using our cops to protect their private business interests caused a swift negative reaction.
Not A Controlled Substance
The irony of Canada’s ‘laws’ about a ‘legal’ plant is that marijuana isn’t even a controlled substance, such as highly addictive and destructive alcohol and tobacco are. It’s classified the same as snow peas, corn, wheat and tomatoes, and yet people are being arrested if they grow too much or sell any.
Demonization Of Pot Growers No Longer Working
Needless to say, there’s currently very little public support by communities and businesses being horribly victimized by justice’s revolving doors for directing law enforcement resources to take down harmless farmers to protect the lucrative markets of gigantic corporations. Another reaction is that at one time police could count on the public’s assistance to ‘rat out’ free market marijuana growers and distributors, because they were lumped in with the dealers of addictive and destructive drugs – those evil scum who sell personal devastation by the gram.
But, today the chances are that the locals are acquiring their supply of medicinal and recreational marijuana from someone that they know near home. This allows them to access far better product that’s organically grown instead of chemically enhanced and at way better prices. So there’s very little likelihood they’re ever going to advise the police about any aspect of their supplier of premium legal goods.
Insider Trading
And last but not least, is the fact that the ‘little people’ – them there everyday folks – absolutely hate being told what the heck they can and cannot do by giant corporations and the corrupt governments who facilitate insider trading. So, they’ve exercised their right to make their own decisions.
And unfortunately for the rich and corrupt, their decision’s to support government protected corporations moving profits into tax free havens offshore with a single raised finger located mid point in the hand. And I couldn’t be happier because I simply love it when the people tell governments how things will be, not the other way around.
Decriminalization Will Terminate Black Markets
I hope that one day ethical people will finally be elected, people who will decriminalize all drugs and finally put an end to the exorbitant prices being extorted by foreign drug cartels patented products and the use of the Canadian justice system to protect their drug markets. Decriminalization will terminate the black markets created by corrupt and traitorous governments using public funds to protect and enforce the turf of international drug lords. And best of all, decriminalization of drugs will legally allow Canadian chemists to finally be able to develop powerful and affordable non-addictive pain and recreational drugs without fear of imprisonment for running a ‘black market drug lab’.
The bottom line, according to me, is that there should be NO law regarding marijuana. Especially laws that force the public to buy only from the government’s rich friends. So, when I read headlines about how huge pot corporations are bitching because the free market is kicking their ass, all I can do is laugh my butt off, applaud the spirit of freedom and wholeheartedly cheer for the little guys who’re sticking it to the big guys trying to stick it to them.
Dang insider trading…