Beavers A Canadian Emblem Canada, a nation known for its stunning landscapes, friendly citizens, and diverse wildlife, has a unique and enduring association with a particular creature — the beaver. This industrious rodent has become a symbol of Canadian identity, deeply ingrained in the country’s history and cultural fabric. In this article, we’ll explore why Canada is so closely tied …
Extinction threatens 40 percent of insect species—not just honeybees—putting global ecosystems and food supplies at risk. We can intervene. Republished May 22, 2023 By: Oliver Milman How Many Ants Are There? Recently a cadre of scientists took on the near-Sisyphean task of estimating the number of ants in the world. They came up with 20 quadrillion—a 20 with 15 zeros …
There’s Big Difference Between Being Ready To Flee And Being Prepared To Flee By Hiram Cohen As a Boy Scout I learned to ‘be prepared’ for everything, including disasters. And I learned that there’s a big difference between being ready to flee and being prepared to flee in the event of an emergency, such as a natural disaster. Preparedness is …
Traveling On A Budget (NC) Vacation season’s just around the corner. With prices going up for just about everything, travelling on a budget has become an attractive option. Whether you choose to travel within Canada, the United States, or further abroad, it’s possible to protect your wallet while having the time of your life. Unforgettable Holiday Destinations Typically, the most …
The Luckiest Place In The World is a modern fable created by Will Lewis. Once Upon A Time Harold was 73 years old and homeless. Once upon a time he’d married, had two kids, and bought a home. For decades he worked in construction and did his best to live the middle class dream. But that was a long time …
Interspecies Communication Animals Know How To Talk | Humans Don’t Know How To Understand Anyone who’s ever had a pet knows that people have an ability to communicate with different species, also known as interspecies communication. And it’s long been assumed that humans were at the top of the communication chain, but quite incorrectly. In fact, humans may be at …
In my investigation of imbecilic pet owners, I discovered there are primarily two types of ‘problem’ dog owners. There’s the dirt poor, and then there's the well off. Both share a sense of entitlement, and both have a propensity to be...
Did U.S. Legalize Human Consumption of Horses? While it may sound like a war measure act of long ago, the laws that control the slaughter of horses and selling the horse meat for humans to consume, don’t really exist. At one time, eating horses was fairly widespread in the United States, but it has been rare since the end of …
It has been said for centuries that dogs are man’s best ‘friend’, and there’s been a heap of times dogs proved that they are, with countless lives saved by canine courage and companionship. Horses also share this distinction with dogs. However, man’s best ‘teacher’ has to go to those fabulous furry felines whom we think so much of, and who …
The Tree Of Life Is the mighty red cedar the key to all natural pest control? Well, though we’ve known of Western red cedar’s ability to protect clothing from moths for centuries, when it come to pest control, red cedar actually does a lot more. In fact, it’s a proven poisonous deterrent to rodents, cockroaches and many species of ants, …
Humans have their legend of Santa Claus, but few know of or even care about the animal legend Santa Paws. For you who want to know, here’s the story of a never seen critter; the phantom of the forests; the ninja of neighborhoods and; the footprints by the food bowl known as Santa Paws. Raised by Eagles And Wolves The …
One hot summer afternoon a large, powerfully built police officer pulls into a rancher’s yard, gets out and asks a well weathered old gentleman near the barn who owns it. The old fella tells the officer that he does, and asks what he can do for him. Don’t Go Into That Field The officer informs the aged rancher, “I’m here …
During the dark of a cold early spring night on April 26th, 2015, an injured and terribly malnourished German Shepherd hero wandered into the carport of a family home in the Ferndale area of Prince George, British Columbia. The next morning the homeowners discovered it with bones protruding, scared of every sound and movement, and obviously in extreme distress. They …
We were adopted by Sir Shadow (5), and Miss Priss (3), from the local SPCA. These two charming cats have since made themselves right at home, and are loving all of the space they now have to play. “We” decided they needed a cat tower, and so spent an afternoon looking at prefab units. After combing through pet stores looking …