Did U.S. Legalize Human Consumption of Horses? While it may sound like a war measure act of long ago, the laws that control the slaughter of horses and selling the horse meat for humans to consume, don’t really exist. At one time, eating horses was fairly widespread in the United States, but it has been rare since the end of …
Do Red Cars Get More Tickets? There’s a common rumor that red cars attract more speeding tickets than cars of other colors and it has circulated through society for decades. The rumor is that the color red attracts the eye of police so they notice red vehicles speeding more than they do other colors. This supposedly results in red car …
Are Cats Mentioned In The Bible? While lions and virtually all other domestic animals are mentioned in the Christian Holy Book, the Bible, it wasn’t to be the fate of domestic cats. No one seems to have a concrete answer as to why cats were left out of Bible, but some speculate that it’s because the Israelites were a nomadic …
Is It True or False That Frightening Someone Cures The Hiccups? Hiccups are spasms in the diaphragm, the large muscle between the chest and abdomen that helps airflow during breathing and may repeat several times per minute. In medical terms, they’re known as synchronous diaphragmatic flutter (SDF). A hiccup ‘bout’ is any episode lasting more than a few minutes. If …
Is It True or False That Popping Pimples Can Cause death? There is an area on your face called the Triangle of Death. It is the area from the bridge of your nose to the corners of your mouth. Popping pimples in this area is like playing zit Russian Roulette. Dr. Mehmet Oz, from sharecare.com, explains, “Blood vessels in the …
Did The Price Is Right Show Rig A Game? Generations of people have watched the Price is Right, with baited breath, as Bob Barker (and now Drew Carey) led contestants to a staircase, at the top of which, with all the scientific precision of a government, they dropped large flat disks down a sloped board with round stakes protruding. Fishing …
True or false? On the March 30, 2005 Powerball lottery drawing, a record 110 players matched five of the six lucky numbers drawn for the 2nd place prize. The second-place winners were due $100,000 to $500,000 each, depending on how much they had bet. Paying all 110 of them, meant almost $19 million in unexpected payouts. The average number of …
Do Ostriches Actually Bury Their Heads? Okay, we’ve all see those silly cartoons where the ostriches bury their heads in the sand, but in real life that simply doesn’t happen. Ostriches never stick their head in the sand, or for that matter, the ground. And there’s no way that they could force their head into the ground even if it …
True or False? German auto manufacturers seem to have no excuses for Israel being left off maps of the Middle East on their web sites. It began on August 8th, 2002, when attention was drawn to BMW’s Middle East web site, whose map of BMW service locations throughout the Middle East identified Palestine, but left off Israel. Once BMW was …
True or False? While the smoky wisps that waft from the burning of ballots in the Sistine Chapel are both holy, and smoke, therefore holy smoke, the ancient religious tradition to announce the selection of a new Pope isn’t the origin of the expression, ‘Holy Smoke’. Oxford’s English Dictionary claims that the earliest record of ‘holy smoke’ found in print, …
Was The Word Golf An Acronym? Golf is actually an ancient word, one that first appeared in written language in 1425. There are conflicting theories about its origin though. The most popular theory, one that the Oxford English Dictionary seems to endorse, claims that the word ‘golf’ is derived from the Dutch word ‘kolf’, a term used for sticks, clubs, …
True or False? A scientific study, supposedly predicting that the naturally blonde-haired segment of the human population (blondes) will die out within the next few centuries, by the World Health Organization, found that natural blonds are very likely become extinct within two hundred years. According to the WHO study, the last natural blond will likely be born in Finland during …
Was The Stanley Cup Left In A Snowbank? Hockey’s Ultimate Prize Donated by the Governor General of Canada, Lord Stanley, in 1892, the Stanley Cup has the names of every team (and almost all of the players) who have won it engraved upon it. Now hailed as the holy grail of hockey, the Stanley Cup has had some pretty wild …
True or false? The old wive’s tale that says it takes seven years to digest gum if you swallow it, is not true. Although chewing gum does resist the body’s efforts to dissolve it (hence the ‘indigestible’ moniker), it does not stay in the stomach. In fact, gum is eliminated as human waste in the same way, and at the …