We live in a world of opposites and contradictions, where people whose appearance varies greatly come together to accomplish great and noble things. The contradiction is that they secretly distrust and misunderstand those they work shoulder to shoulder with, rarely giving any indication of their true feelings. Humans have mastered their ability to mask emotions, and of the humans, the female is far superior.
Needless to say, when I was approached to review ‘Not Your Mother’s Book On Being A Woman’, a collection of stories by writers compiled by Dahlynn McKowen and Ken McKowen, I could not pass on the opportunity. I have to admit that subconsciously I mentally armed myself to suffer through a literary deposit of emotional baggage, bra-burning and turbulent times of domestic discontent. What I expected and what I received, however, was diametrically opposed.
Instead of incessant blubbering about blubbering, page after page of Not Your Mother’s Book On Being A Woman gave me a peek into the mental processes of a woman’s mind. Though I was much like a child staring at the universe on a warm summer night, this collective work allowed me to see the world from a woman’s point of view. BE FOREWARNED MEN: We are NOT the only ones with a dirty mind. And, before you go waste a little more hair spray on a comb-over, we are not the only ones with ‘body image’ issues.
It is my opinion that if Erma Bombeck was still with us, she would have whole-heartily endorsed this book (and I secretly suspect that she, and Pauline Phillips, aka Dear Abby, were ‘channeled’ by some of the contributors:-) I was thoroughly entertained, but must also issue a travel advisory: Don’t read this book on public transit, or your giggling will earn you new friends who wear pretty uniforms. In fact, I highly recommend this book for bathroom use for anyone with a bladder problem. It will save you money and your laughter will sound better.
Not Your Mother’s Book On Being A Woman is well composed work that allows you to have a little laughter, or a lot, depending on how long you care to read. This book is a literary smorgasbord filled with delicious dishes of delight, each a masterpiece in its own right. The first of several books in a series, Not Your Mother’s Book On Being A Woman is the creation of wordsmiths who have set a very high standard of consistently and quality in the publishing industry, while at the same time helping known and unknown authors to be read and enjoyed by millions.
Not Your Mother’s Book On Being A Woman, a collection of stories by writers compiled by Dahlynn McKowen and Ken McKowen, published and distributed by Publishing Syndicate , is an excellent investment for your mental health. In a world of stress, this book is pajama pants for your mind, allowing your giggly and jiggly parts the freedom to be all they can be. Not Your Mother’s Book On Being A Woman is comfort food for the soul, and, in a time of tremendous turmoil and spectacular speculation, who couldn’t use a some comfort? Buy it and you WILL laugh.
Authors Ken and Dahlynn McKowen have 40-plus years of writing, editing, marketing and publication experience between them, with more than 2,000 articles, stories and photographs in print. They are the authors and/or co-authors of Best of California’s Missions, Mansions, and Museums, three Chicken Soup titles, Highroad Guide to the California Coast, Not Your Mother’s Books and others.
Bookworm Rating:
Book Review By: W. Lewis, Publisher at The Northern Star