To Think Or Not To Think by Ron Murdock
If my thought dreams could be seen, they’d put my head under a guillotine.’ – Bob Dylan
It’s amazing what people can do when survival mode kicks in, as bouncing back from adversity such as natural disasters that take away everything they had. Just as astounding is the way people join together to help those who lost all their worldly possessions. Some of the things we’ve accomplished in areas such as in the medical field, space exploration and technology is incredible. It shows what can happen when people find innovative ways to improve the quality of life around them.
To Think Or Not To Think
Sadly, most people are just content to follow herd mentality, to the point where they’re more of a cell in the collective body of humanity than an individual. And they’re more of a hindrance than a benefit to the world around them. With this in mind, how many of us are stuck in a dead end relationship, boring job, unsatisfying marriage, or get slotted into social roles that keep us from being what we’re meant to be?
People Are Content To Follow Herd Mentality
The desire to find a group to fit in with can be so overwhelming it can keep us from living our dreams. Where is the line drawn between being a natural urge to socialize or social conditioning that begins in the pre-school years? With the peer pressure involved with advertising, TV, media, the education system, politics and religion, the tactics used are effective in indoctrinating people into mindless servitude to authorities. I’d rather be a non-conformist, or known as an eccentric as opposed to being a lifeless zombie drifting through life.
It is to ask if the above quote of Bob Dylan could become reality if what passes for todays Thought Police get their way. I wonder if brain fingerprinting or mind scanning technology is far enough advanced to be legally introduced in our world to flush out all the thought criminals. If an individual won’t be led into a mental prison to be controlled by fear, will they be separated physically from the herd so the majority won’t be ‘infected’ by the truth or reality?
Learning How To Think
We’re living in a world where most have no idea of learning how to think. It’s alarming when thought control will be used to keep people in a conformist mindset. Some can be intimidated on a continual basis to toe the party line. Others might use thought control as fun and games to keep ‘thought crime’ at bay until it’s eliminated, then their thoughts can be considered sanitized. These are the type of people most willing to give up personal freedoms without a struggle or any thought to what could happen. Is what I’ve written here become reality, or will it remain speculation on my part?
by Ron Murdock