Roles Were Clearly Divided
Few notice the shifts that take place in society like us old folks. Back when we was young, the cost of living was low, boys took ‘shop’ in school and girls took ‘home economics’. After they got out of school, adult roles were right clearly divided, with males leaving the home every day to be the ‘providers’, while women folk stayed home and looked after all the shopping, preparing food, raising children, cleaning and listening to men whine about all that they had to do that day.
A Duty To Vote
It was a time when alcohol and tobacco was consumed en mass by both sexes, people believed it was a duty to vote, folks took a sense of pride in paying one’s share of taxes and no one made fun of anyone’s mother. Ever. It was a time of no seat belts and darn near just about as much care and common sense. But, things has changed an awful lot. People can’t be bothered to vote no more, they hire folks to get them out of paying their fair share of taxes and they go to nightclubs and pay good money to watch people insult each other’s mothers.
Sew To So?
The upside is that the respect between men and women is slowly beginning to even out. Gone are the days of the dutiful wife greeting her husband at the door with a kiss. Now he’s told to get her a beer or deal with her fist. Socks still get darned, but not in the sense of repair. It’s more like “If I have to pick up one more of your darn socks…” Instead of sewing, people say “So?” and riding a bike multiple times is the most popular form of recycling.
Home economics has become an oxymoron and the cost of living is up so darn high now that people chase meter readers up trees instead of dogs. Instead of waving “Hi!” to elderly folks enjoying retirement on their porches, folks avoid eye contact with the nice old folks as they greet them at the store where they’re forced to work or starve. Neighborhood kids still wave, but with far fewer fingers and instead of the guy next door bringing over a casserole, he staggers high and drunk in your driveway while being an asshole.
The Next World War Will Be Over A Snickers
People today now smoke more pot than cigarettes and consume more energy drinks than booze. This here shift has caused a huge increase in missing lunchroom sandwiches globally and some very passionate coworker denials. In fact, as international acceptance of the emotional and physical healing properties of marijuana continues to grow, so does the extreme likelihood that the next world war will be over a Snickers. Yep, I reckon that things sure enough do change, but few notice the shifts that take place in society like us old folks.
Dang shifts…