What Could I See If No One Could See Me?
Part 5 of Ron Murdock’s posts about what people would do if they were invisible.
A friend of mine said he would go to North Korea and see if he could free imprisoned journalists…
A woman I know would head for various jungles and forests to see different animals…
A man said he would check up on Justin Trudeau to see who his handlers are…
Another man would find a way to tape record Justin Trudeau on what he says behind the scenes…
A young woman would follow Justin Trudeau around to see what he is really up to…
One woman would check out Area 51…
Another one would pull pranks on her boyfriend…
A third woman would check on various corporations to see what they do behind the scenes.
A man said he would head to the nearest creek to grab fish from it…
A woman said being invisible would give her a chance to get away from her kids…
One woman said she would soar like an eagle then perch on a mountain top and see everything…
My neighbor would investigate Buckingham Palace…
What would you do?
Ron Murdock has lived in the Kootenay area of British Columbia for several years. The best thing about the Kootenays is that it is quite rural. Ron has several interests and knows a little about a lot. He continually works on his observation skills to see and question what is really going on in our world.