The Great Disconnect From Humanity
There’s an old expression that says, “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”, and it’s sure enough true. And it would seem both governments and big business want us divided, for they’ve engineered a great many methods to effect The Great Disconnect. For instance:
• Government services discourage personal interaction by asking people to call or go online for service.
• Banks prefer customers to use ATMs instead of tellers.
• Stores want customers to use self-checkouts rather than cashiers.
• Utility companies now want everyone to pay online and no longer accept cash.
• Fast food restaurants want customers to use drive-throughs and order from digital menus to minimize contact with employees.
• Downsizing, personally and corporately, is a popular trend.
• Employees work alone from home instead of with others in an office.
• People use machines and apps to avoid talking to other people.
• Social interaction is done primarily through social media.
• Homes are being intentionally built without front porches.
• Yards have become so small that they can’t be played in.
• Telemarketing calls are badly pre-recorded messages that offer human interaction as an ‘option’.
• Kids play and talk with each other through devices.
• 24/7 entertainment has made imagination unnecessary.
• Computer games are interactive so players don’t have to play with real people.
• Travel is done more often online than in person.
• Honest observation is considered conspiracy.
• Truth is shunned.
• Science is no longer science.
• Research is conducted specifically to come to pre-determined conclusions.
• The Supreme Court ruled it’s legal for politicians to lie in order to get elected and while in office.
• Social and child welfare workers rarely have children of their own.
• Heterophobia is not only acceptable, it’s prevalent and promoted.
• Law is little more than legislated crime.
• Identity is established by fantasy and/or sexuality, not by character.
• Society is forced to be ‘socially and politically correct’ to prohibit honesty.
• Medical research is limited entirely to ‘prolonging life’ rather than finding cures.
• Doctors are drug dealers instead of people healers.
• Industry forces people to build robots to replace people.
• Independent thought is labeled ‘lunacy’.
• People proudly prefer to be addressed as pronouns and sexually identify as letters of the alphabet.
• Crime and addiction is overlooked, while self defense and protection of property is criminally prosecuted.
• Patriotism is considered domestic terrorism.
• Protesters are demonized, persecuted and prosecuted for political insurrection.
• Justice has been replaced by vengeance.
• Anger is a sin.
• Products are built to break.
• Artificial intelligence is being developed by those with artificial intelligence.
• Instead of standing united, we stand divided.
So, before you get to shaking shameful fingers at the good and wise folks telling you that something just ain’t right with the ways things is being run, turn off the dirty propaganda and mind control machines and take a real darn good look at the world around you. The sad truth is that governments and businesses aren’t telling us what’s good for us, they’re telling us what’s good for them and that we better do what the heck they say to do… if we know what’s good for us.
Dang deceivers…