Coffee filters have many more uses than just filtering coffee grounds. Here are a few of our favorites:
Use basket coffee filters on the workbench to keep small parts like nails and screws from rolling off surface areas.
Basket coffee filters make perfect covers for bowls or dishes when cooking in the microwave.
Use coffee filters to clean your windows and mirrors. Coffee filters are lint-free, so they leave windows sparkling.
Protect your China – separate and protect your good dishes by putting a coffee filter or two between each dish.
If you ever break the cork when opening a wine bottle, fear not, filter the wine through a coffee filter.
Protect your cast-iron skillets by placing a coffee filter in them to absorb moisture and prevent rust.
A balled up coffee filter works wonderfully for applying shoe polish.
Use a coffee filter to recycle frying oil. After frying, strain the oil through a sieve lined with a coffee filter.
Use coffee filters to hold tacos, or use them as bowls for popcorn, chips and other snacks.
Before you plant or replant in a pot, line it with a coffee filter to prevent the soil from going through the drainage holes, while still providing excellent drainage.
Prevent popsicles from dripping. Poke one or two holes as needed in a coffee filter.
Use coffee filters to absorb grease – put a few on a plate and set your fried bacon, french fries, chicken fingers, etc. on them after cooking. They’ll soak up any excess grease.
Cut the end off a cone-style coffee filter to make an instant funnel to safely and responsibly add oil or other liquids to your car’s engine.