Dealing With Information Overload Part 3 By Ron Murdock
Part 1 and part 2 of Dealing With Information Overload were previously published on UFO Digest.
Information Overload
Here’s part 3 of Dealing With Information Overload….
Information overload is an effective method of tiring a person out so they are easier to control. Long hours on the job, multi-tasking at home and work, not enough down time keep people in a befuddled state of mind. In this position a person doesn’t have a life especially with all the mental and physical sounds and sensations that invade our consciousness.
For whatever reasons, unknown or known, otherwise intelligent people will suspend their thinking abilities. A lot may be that they wish to avoid reality and stay in a dream like state, whether it’s one of their own making or by a group with questionable motives. Or it could be watching dumb TV, over consuming alcohol, drug use, having mindless sex without the passion or something else of equal value or less. It’s one matter to think of no thing once in a blue moon but to stop thinking is a contentious issue.
With all the technological advances in recent years it has brought people closer together but they can get so stressed out from juggling too much activity in too little time. So I believe Big Pharma takes advantages of this so they can get us addicted to any of the drugs they peddle. The media is partly to blame for reporting what I call false flag news. This includes terrorism, diseases, mandatory this, mandatory that, kidnappings, drive by shootings and similar stories tat keep us most of us in a constant state of agitation.
I was asked not long ago that if our world was no more than a highly advanced computer program. I had no answer for this question so are we living in a system similar to one of the Matrix movies. Are we shutting down intellectually and emotionally to the point we’re numbing the world out? I wonder if we’re losing our humanity just to become holograms who stopped being involved with real life.
What stops us then from winding up in a mindset of fantasy or science fiction? Will people be headed into a common area to participate in an Orwellian Two Minute Hate as a way to get rid of stress and anger directed at a common enemy?
To get back on track every individual has to start learning how to think and not get their power stolen by outside sources. Everyone on this planet needs to develop a sense of self responsibility. What is stopping us from doing so?