Expressions are a dime a dozen at best.
Expressions We Can Do Without Part 1 By Ron Murdock provides a list of useless and senseless expressions that we can do without. You see, there are a great many expressions that are meaningless and provide useless information that no one really needs to know, so I’ve compiled a number of expressions and share with my opinion or reaction to them. I’ve attempted to do this in a logical manner, mixing my dry sense of humor with my observations.
“It’s hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk” isn’t the wisest way of cooking breakfast. Just how much dirt and grit do you want mixed in with your eggs?
When I hear someone say “knock on wood“, I’m tempted to go over and rap them lightly on their head.
“Just killing time” is an expression that sounds quite bone chilling. If this is taken literally how does one go about killing time?
Here are two expressions that shows how people can’t make up their minds. One is “cold has Hell“, the other being “hot as Hell“. Come on folks, which one is it? Hell can’t be both at the same time!
Since I’m a dog person I like the expression “a dogs bark” more than “a cats meow“.
I’m not a believer in the expression “until death do us part” because a couple never knows what the future will bring their way. Is staying together ‘as long as love lasts’ a better option?
When a person says “it could be worse” or “it wasn’t meant to be” sounds like if they are settling for a dull compromise or mediocrity.
Two expressions that need to be looked at in a new light are “going to the dogs” and “humans share a common ancestor with apes“. What did dogs and apes do to deserve this? Maybe they should sue us for libel and slander.
“Fake it until you make it” is either a learning process or is a waste of time if you don’t develop the necessary skills or take training.
The expression “grab the person on the other end of the phone” doesn’t make sense. How do you reach through a phone wire to touch the person at the other end?
The expression “it’ll never been seen again in our lifetime” probably has been said too many times already over human history.
Six expressions are quite similar on how they can be used. “My ship’s coming in, and when it does I’m going to be there“, “the cavalry’s coming to save the day“, “there’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow“, “it’s God will that things happened the way they did“, “my knight in white shining armor is coming to my rescue” and “Christ is returning“. Any one of these can be used by those in a defeatist mentality, or by those who won’t take responsibility for their actions.
Ron Murdock has lived and worked in Western Canada all his life, and will continue to do so until his last day on Planet Earth. He has a good number of interests and hobbies which include dogs, freight trains, baseball and astronomy. Ron wants to know what the truth is, and nothing but the truth, and will do what research it takes to find it. The best compliment he can get is when a person says his writing, or what he says, gets them seeking.