From A Galaxy Far, Far Away
Now papyrus Jedis can create their own light sabers with easy to follow instructions and pre-printed paper. Chris Alexander has searched the reaches of the Empire and brought us ‘Star Wars Origami: 36 Amazing Paper-folding Projects from a Galaxy Far, Far Away’.
Paper Folding Adventure
This book is a paper-folding adventure and Star Wars education, rolled into one. The projects are ranked in difficulty from Youngling to Padawan and Jedi Knight to Jedi Master. For those unfamiliar with origami, the book begins by describing folding terms, then detailing how they’re made. For those who’ve just arrived on Earth and are unfamiliar with Star Wars, each project begins with a bit about the object or character being made.
Looks Like A Death Star
Tom Angleberger, the author of The Strange Case of Origami Yoda and its sequels, Darth Paper Strikes Back and The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee, wrote the book’s foreword. The back pages of the book are pre-printed papers that fold into a ball that looks like a Death Star and your five-sided box look like Han Solo frozen in carbonate. Not only that, there are multiple copies of each, so if your first Boba Fett’s a Boba Flop, you can try again. Chris, the author of Star Wars Origami, runs the website