High school is a regretful place. So, I guess it’s true that the longer you spend in high school, the more you know what certain people are all about.
High school teaches you things that you won’t learn anywhere else. Sometimes I’m anxious about going to a place where you’re tormented every day, but have to act like you don’t care. A place where people will disown you for the slightest thing you’ve done wrong. A place where uncertainty and unpleasant feelings lurk. It’s scary as hell, and yes, sometimes I dread this place, but one day, it will all be over; and to tell you the truth, you are going to miss it more than ever.
The parties, the music, your friends, the jokes, will one day all just disappear. It’s a short experience, but it’s life changing. You hate it, but can’t help but love it just the same. A place you can’t wait to get out of, and call your own shots, but at the same time you’d like to freeze time and be this young forever.
It’s difficult because the world’s a huge, scary place, but I can definitely say the same about high school. It’s actually unbelievable how tough you have to be to get through it. Luckily, the most important people have to survive it with you. Your best friends, who tolerate your inane babbling and pointless criticizing, your tears from time to time, and all your stupid flaws. And, of course, there will always be that one person who took you on your first date, who cared, who made getting up and going to school exciting. They showed you love and affection that you’d never known before, and you never wanted those days to end. Sadly enough, they do, and it breaks your heart. It’s a miserable thing really, but you need it, because what you learn from it helps you to grow.
High school teaches you things. You can go from regrets and doubts, to enthused and ecstatic. That’s the beauty of being a teenager. It’s astonishing what these four years of your life can do to you.
Jessica D. is a 15 year old, grade 10 student, who attends Kelly Road.