Throughout history UFOs have caught the imagination of many people. While many sightings can be explained as natural phenomenon or a case of mistaken identity, what can be said of those sightings not easily dismissed? Are UFOs extraterrestrial craft, aircraft created from the ground up by various government agencies with technology alone or a creation of the military using advanced technology from a crashed alien craft? It is an area where sensationalism and wild speculation have been predominate mixed in with too many conspiracy theories. Hopefully this will be an area where common sense will prevail and concerned individuals and groups will get to the bottom of the matter.
One of the first stories to hit the big time is the alleged UFO crash of a UFO at Roswell, New Mexico. Considering that Watergate and the Iran-Contra affairs, among others, were exposed in a matter of time, the question I ask is how was Roswell kept secret after all these years? History shows us that in 1947 the USA, among other nations, was adjusting from war to peace. Harry Truman was still learning the ropes of being president after FDR’s death and had made the decision to drop the two atomic bombs on Japan. The Cold War had just gotten started. Now an alleged alien craft is downed by lightening at Roswell. Questions to ask at the time; is it Soviet or extraterrestrial, friendly or hostile?
Two explanations are worth noting. The powers to be may want us to believe they have a crashed alien spacecraft rather than have us know they are building their own aircrafts. While alien bodies are being searched for, the authorities are quietly building the next Stealth Bomber or Harrier VI. The second explanation is not popular, which involves the Project Mogul Balloon. The balloon was kept under tight security because Project Mogul was a top secret mission intended to detect Russian detonation of nuclear weapons. Or perhaps the crash at Roswell involved something nuclear thus the reason for the rapid evacuation.
There were reports of alien bodies found in the wreckage at Roswell. Some accounts say this story came out in the late 1970’s, which is more than enough time to jump on the Roswell bandwagon with a more exciting story than just a plain and simple crash of some kind.
If then UFOs are not alien made in origin, where are they being manufactured? A plausible explanation is Area 51 just northwest of Las Vegas. It would seem to be quite possible that new types of aircraft are being built and given test runs here and similar centres throughout the world. Considering the increase in sightings of triangular UFOs in the last ten years, this would concur with the use of and testing of the Stealth Bombers. There have been stories of UFOs being silent beams of light in the night sky. People swore they couldn’t be helicopters or planes because of little or no sound being heard. 15 years later the military releases their new virtually soundless helicopter that they had tested over that same time period.
One may be familiar with, even heard how the radio play “War of the Worlds” had on the American public in 1939. Though some claimed Orson Welles, with help from the media, staged a lot of the panic, it would have one ponder what the real contact with ETs would have on the general public. Since people have been exposed to images of aliens, most notably in movies, it wouldn’t come as much of a shock as it would have been in 1939.
If it were to happen, the suspense of finding what characteristics the aliens would have will be the main concern. What seems to be missed in this field is their ability to adopt to breathing our atmosphere and how their immunity systems would have the ability to handle our bacteria. If one refers to the Big Bang theory of Earths origins, would it be far fetched to believe that ETs and humans have the same type of body compositions? Also our body functions and immunity systems changes with the surroundings – the theory of adaptation – therefore it could very well be possible that aliens could adapt to our environment over a period of time.
An aspect of UFO lore that has caused much speculation is the Men In Black or MIB. They have been the source of much in the way of hoaxes and story telling. Some claim that the MIB are paid by the government to keep the UFO phenomenon top secret and make sure that sensitive information doesn’t fall into the hands of rival nations. In the case of a reported UFO sighting, the MIB are sent to investigate and determine if a breach of a countries airspace has been violated. Quite often a witness misinterprets what they see, even though there is no malice on their part. In the ensuring excitement, a witness can easily mistake the actions of the MIB as being more sinister than what it actually is. Details are added to the story that bears little relation to what did happen.
Another area of UFO stories that has much speculation is the credibility of abduction stories. Some say struggling writers make up these stories and pass it off as fact to sell more books. Movies and TV shows regrettably focus more on the fantastic ideas than on hard evidence. To use hypnosis to plant false memories is quite high, even if the hypnotist is trying to get at the truth of the story. A leading authority on hypnosis stated that it is usually impossible for either hypnotist or hypnotic subject to discern between the truth and idle chit chat. It all would depend how ethical the hypnotist is.
The search for truth is a good one. But as long as we have people who don’t want to believe in the explainable, we will never discover what the truth is. But things can change as long as we start being honest with ourselves and with each other.