Looking for a new challenge? How about playing a sport where playing dirty is the name of the game?
Mudders, the newest outdoor fitness craze, is based on ‘Tough Mudder’ events, the hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle courses designed by Will Dean, a Harvard graduate and former British Special Forces counter-terrorism agent. Tough Mudder was created because of Dean’s frustration with current unimaginative and boring marathons, triathlons, mud and other adventure runs.
Mudder courses test strength, stamina, mental grit and build self-esteem. Mudder is now the slang name for people tackling obstacle courses, as people seek more challenging way of competing and staying fit. Mudder obstacle courses are much more than awesome moneymakers, they transform people.
Take a Mudder challenge and you’ll have a sense of accomplishment, a great time and meet people that you may have never met otherwise.
Mudder courses are personal challenges where the objective is for you, and your fellow participants, to help each other to complete the course. However, if you think you’re tough enough, enter Dean’s annual World’s Toughest Mudder competition, that has one goal, to find the toughest man or woman on the planet. For more info about the World’s Toughest Mudder $10,000 competition or Tough Mudder competitions in your area, visit www.toughmudder.com.