By Ancestry Of Man
Ancestry of Man explores the Lewis Theory of Human Exile which states that human origin is extraterrestrial.
1st Sign That Humans Are Extraterrestrials
This list of 11 signs that humans are extraterrestrial aliens from other planets explores proof that we did not evolve on this world. To begin, look into a mirror. Now, ask yourself, how many other creatures that have roamed this planet have, or have had, the ability to create life other than us? The answer is zero. None, nada, zilch.
For when the history of Cro-magnons on Earth is looked at truthfully, and collectively, a very troubling tapestry unfolds. Most religions agree that all mankind are born sinners or prone to evil, but all of them warn of a ‘need to change’. Over 96% of known religions throughout time have warned of a danger from ‘above’ within the same 25 year time frame. Most also have characters scattered throughout their stories that can easily be interpreted as ‘aliens’. Our abilities are far, far superior to those of any creatures that ever existed on this world.
There is not one shred of hard evidence to prove that our ancestors (Cro-magnons) existed on this planet beyond 60,000 years ago. Artistically, someone or something, has been documented watching us, perhaps interfering in our development for tens of thousands of years. We have proven, beyond any doubt, that as a species we are prone to insanity and criminal behavior. Perhaps we were ‘created’ on this planet, but the belief of exile on a prison plant appears to be the more logical conclusion. We are rapidly approaching the junction in time where humanity’s path splits.
Down one path lies certain destruction. Down the other is the fulfillment of our destiny; living peacefully throughout the vast reaches of the universe. We are not originally from this planet, we are exiled extraterrestrials. The advanced drive technology, electronics and metallurgical miracles that we need for safe interstellar travel, lie dormant in the unrealized potential of our minds. There are wonders within us that perhaps we will never know, if we continue as we are. Will you alter your genetic structure to survive?
2nd Sign That Humans Are Extraterrestrials
From the very first days of our planetary imprisonment, interstellar sympathizers have slipped past security and assisted select civilizations. These extraterrestrial visits always resulted in huge leaps of intellectual ability and technological accomplishment. Unfortunately, virtually all of those civilizations and their advanced technologies met with sudden disaster, and in almost every case, advanced technologies.
The true explanations for most still remain unknown. Most ancient remains are in the Middle East, Central and South America and the U.S. mid-west. However, workers in Florida have discovered the remains of an ancient city while digging a canal between Lake Dora and Lake Eustis, existing far below sea level. Remains of a large ancient city has also been discovered buried off the Arctic coast.
Many others also exist, indeed, entire volumes have been written on similar ‘anomalies’. But evolutionists disregard anything that threatens their evolutionary time-scale. They seem to think that ignoring hard evidence changes the truth. Such evidence cannot be swept under the rug to suit either evolutionists or religious critics. It is simple fact that Cro-magnon (our ancestors) did not need to wait for their intelligence to evolve before they could build advanced civilizations. Genetically, they were already advanced.
3rd Sign That Humans Are Extraterrestrials
A group of geneticists, coordinated by Guido Barbujani and David Caramelli of the Universities of Ferrara and Florence, proved that remains of an individual who lived in Paglicci, in southern Italy, around 28,000 years ago, is not Neanderthal. It was a modern European, genetically, as well as anatomically.
Though Cro-Magnons did briefly coexist with Neanderthals, Neanderthal anatomy and DNA is very different from ours. However, obtaining a reliable sequence of DNA in Italy was challenging. “There’s always a risk in the study of ancient individuals of mistakenly labeling fossil DNA, because of residual DNA of archaeologists or biologists who manipulated it,” Barbujani said. “To avoid that, we followed all phases of the retrieval of the bones, and compared them to DNA sequences from all of the people who had any contact with them.
The Paglicci individual carries a mtDNA sequence still common in Europeans, radically differing from DNA sequences of Neanderthals, demonstrating the genealogical continuity across 28,000 years of Cro-Magnon and modern Europeans.” Neanderthals, who lived at the top of the food chain for nearly 300,000 years, are not the ancestors of modern humans, who suddenly appeared 50-60,000 years ago. Despite any similarities to us, Neanderthals have no direct link to human beings.
4th Sign That Humans Are Extraterrestrials
More and more religions are going public with their beliefs about the existence of extraterrestrials, and who they possibly are.
The Christian Bible, in Genesis 1:27, says, “And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” In a 2009 interview, astronomer and director of the Vatican Observatory, Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, said believing the universe may host aliens, even intelligent ones, does not contradict a faith in God. “How can we rule out that life may have developed elsewhere? This does not contradict our faith, because we cannot put limits on God’s creative freedom.” said Funes.
In Russia, at a 2008 meeting between Muslims and Jews, both revealed that their religions believe in the existence of extraterrestrials.
According to the Holy Qur’an (Koran), the Almighty speaks about the creation of various worlds.
We know the world of people, jinns, plants and animals. Other creatures may inhabit the worlds out of our reach. ~ Chairman of the International Department of the Muftis’ Council, Rushan Abbyasov.
The Lord is the first cause for everything existing in micro and macro worlds. It cannot be excluded that other creatures, similar to man, exist on other worlds. ~ Rabbi Zinovy Kogan, Chairman of Congress of Jewish Religious Organizations and Associations
The theories of terrestrial evolution and creation have failed to provide indisputable proof that either is the origin of modern man on Earth. Many people, angry at religions and science for deceiving them for thousands of years, are beginning to consider the possibility that humans are this planet’s extraterrestrials.
5th Sign That Humans Are Extraterrestrials
Ancient astronaut theories, which maintain that humans are the descendants, or creations, of beings who landed on Earth thousands of years ago, recently gained credibility.
Those that support ancient astronaut theories are confident that human knowledge, religions and cultures came from extraterrestrials during ancient times. It is their belief that ancient astronauts were our “mother culture”.
According to recent findings by a Canadian astrophysicist, humans and aliens possibly share the same genetic makeup. Patterns found in the formation of amino acids in meteorites, deep-sea hydrothermal vents and simulations of primordial Earth follow basic thermodynamic laws applicable throughout the known universe. Ralph Pudritz of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario says, “This may implicate a universal structure of the first genetic codes anywhere. There are exactly 20 standard amino acids; those complex molecules that combine to form proteins, which carry out instructions specified by RNA and DNA. Thermodynamics is fundamental. It must hold through all points of the universe. If you can show there are certain frequencies that fall in a natural way like this, there is an implied universality.”
Unfortunately, the only way to verify these theories are by experiments performed on aliens themselves. Until that day, which may be much sooner than thought, no one is able to say for sure.
6th Sign That Humans Are Extraterrestrials
NO MISSING LINK – This is where terrestrial evolutionists smash their heads into a brick wall. There is not one bone, not one fossil, absolutely no DNA or any other material of Cro-Magnons on Earth, older than 60,000 years. There are literally tons of material from neanderthals and primates, but absolutely not one shred of indisputable scientific evidence in the entire world that has ever been, or ever will be, produced to prove that we evolved on this planet.
Self-professed evolutionary experts (who’ve been proven wrong so many times, they’re laughable) have built a comfortable multi-billion dollar industry for themselves attempting to support their phony claims. Frequently, these scholastic charlatans find a bit of bone or teeth intermingled with cro-magnon remains, and try to claim we’ve been here for hundreds of thousands of years. The reason the older remains are mingled with ours, is because we exterminated the species in a productive area and took the area for ourselves.
Ask a terrestrial evolutionist to explain why no other creatures on Earth, in its entire history, built highways and filled them with complex mechanical conveniences powered by fuel extracted from sludge deep underground that’s refined through complex chemical processes. Ask why monkeys didn’t evolve to trade tunes and socially network on a global digital satellite system? After 300,000 years at the top of the food chain, why didn’t neanderthals enjoy electric lights? While there’s evidence to prove evolution is a universal process, none exists to prove that ‘we’ evolved on Earth. Actually, all evidence points to the contrary.
7th Sign That Humans Are Extraterrestrials
For millions of years all hominids had to find food. They spent most of their time awake gathering plants, hunting and scavenging. But suddenly, approximately 60,000 years ago, Cro-magnons (modern humans) appeared from a paleontological twilight zone and began controlling the growth and breeding of specific plants and animals, for specific purposes, which in turn led to large scale farming and breeding of domestic animals.
Villages formed and soon became towns and towns became cities. With more abundant, and higher quality food available, Cro-magnons established total dominance, exterminating Neanderthals and becoming the top of the food chain. Our ancestors not only invented tools, they developed specialized tools that they used to make even more specialized tools.
They ate a larger variety of plants and animals and – for the first time for any species on Earth – controlled fire. They built and lived in shelters, developing vast social networks that started exchanged resources over immense geographic areas. They created art, music, personal adornment, rituals and a complex symbolic world. Modern humans occupied every continent, altering the world to their advantage. But, our transformation of Earth has had negative consequences for many of its species, including our own, creating new survival challenges for us to overcome.
8th Sign That Humans Are Extraterrestrials
Let there be no doubt. Alien technology harvested from the infamous saucer ‘crash’ in Roswell, New Mexico, in July, 1947, led directly to the development of the integrated circuit chip, laser and fiber optic technologies, particle beams, electromagnetic propulsion systems, stealth capabilities, and many others! How do I know? I was in charge! ~ Colonel Philip Corso (Army Intelligence officer, former head of the Foreign Technology at the U.S. Army’s Research and Development department at the Pentagon).
Never in history, until Darwin, had mankind considered itself a descendant of the apes. After hundreds of years of trying to convince themselves, and the public, that mankind evolved on Earth, those who profess terrestrial evolution have failed to do little more than establish some genetic similarities to apes (Hominidae). Unfortunately for them, we are also genetically similar to a host of life forms here, including many that we are far closer to than apes.
If life exists on Earth, it is logical that given similar atmospheric and climatic conditions, extremely similar life exists on planets throughout the universe. It is illogical that the genetic blueprints for life were placed on planets ‘selectively’. It is therefore logical that we are not alone in the universe, and given millions of ufo sightings, ‘they’ know that we are here.
9th Sign That Humans Are Extraterrestrials
The global study of the origins and predecessors of the present human species, using fossils and other remains, changed dramatically with the scientific examination of Homo Sapiens Sapiens (Cro-Magnon or Modern Man).
Their sudden arrival on the planet 50-60,000 years ago caused abrupt and dramatic changes in living patterns, tools and artistic expression worldwide. The stunning change in cultural adaptation was not just a measurable one, it was a massive departure from all earlier humanoid behavior, reflecting a major transformation. Modern man’s abilities were literally a “creative explosion” which exhibited “technological ingenuity, social formations, and ideological complexity” never before seen on Earth.
While Cro-Magnons looked modern, they didn’t behave modern – yet. It is important to note that modern anatomy pre-dates modern behavior.
The sudden appearance of humans placed Neanderthals, who had been at the top of Earth’s food chain for well over 300,000 years, in direct competition for resources. Though larger, stronger and faster than our ancestors, it was a competition the Neanderthals lost. After decades of scientific debate as to whether it was climatic change, or our ancestors’s sudden appearance that caused the demise of the Neanderthals, it was concluded it was competition with our ancestors, and not the climate, that resulted in the global extermination of Neanderthals.
Sign That Humans Are Extraterrestrials
Many who believe humans are of alien origin subscribe to the concept of alien hybrids – part human – part alien. One follower of this theory is Lloyd Pye, who says that aliens and humans knew each other in a very intimate way, and he believes that he has the direct, physical evidence to convince scientists.
That evidence is a 900 year old skull of a young boy he found and calls ‘the Starchild’. Found in Mexico during the 1930s, it is a skull with an abnormally large space for a brain, shallow eye sockets with oval orbits, and canals for the optic nerves situated in the wrong place. According to Pye, it looks like the result of a Gray alien and a human creating a hybrid. He has submitted the skull for DNA testing several times to prove traces of extraterrestrial lineage in its genome.
So far, the scientists who’ve tested the sample confirmed that the child’s mother was definitely human. From the father’s side, however, things are rather fuzzy at best, so Pye is using that ambiguity to argue that the child’s dad could very well be an alien. However, major problems exist, such as that there are no valid control factors, such as samples of pure, confirmed extraterrestrial alien DNA available to compare Pye’s samples with.
11th Sign That Humans Are Extraterrestrials
Discoveries of ancient artwork, depicting mysterious figures and shapes, give rise to “Ancient Astronaut Theories”; one that claims that alien beings have visited prehistoric humans, interacting and sharing their knowledge with them. The other; that Earth is a prison planet and that we are E.T, incarcerated for our evil ways.
Advocates of these theories usually point to specific examples, such as a particular rock carving in the Val Camonica site in Italy, as well as the 7,000 B.C. Lolladoff plate, discovered in Nepal, which appears to show a hovering disk-shaped object in the center and a small being beside it. Using these examples as evidence reaches unsturdy ground when held up to scientific scrutiny. Testing at the Wandjina petroglyph site showed some drawings had been repainted numerous times over, with the images evolving over time at the artists’ discretion, rendering the original artwork unknown.
Scientists say modern man evolved on Earth. But evolution fails to stand up to scientific scrutiny. Actually, Creationism has far greater validity. There simply isn’t a solitary shred of hard evidence, anywhere in the world to support modern man’s evolution on Earth. There are no Cro-Magnon (modern man) remains found older than 50-55,000 years old. Science has fraudulently tried to claim hominids as our ancestors for hundreds of years. But, we actually have far more DNA in common with sea sponges than we do with apes.
The theories of terrestrial evolution and creation have failed to provide indisputable proof that either is the origin of modern man on Earth. Many people, angry at religions and science for deceiving them for thousands of years, are beginning to consider the possibility that humans are this planet’s extraterrestrials.