Mental Wandering And Random Thoughts Part 8 by author and philosopher Ron Murdock.
One thing I look for in a person is if they’re an independent thinker or a one size fits all type, which leaves no room for flexibility or learning how to think…
Good advice to follow is believe what you say, say what you believe…
Everyone has a different way of doing things. Others may not think it’s the right or proper way of getting it done; it’s just and individual’s way of doing it.
I appreciate employers that give me the space to do the job as I see fit. This way I find it easier to resist the temptation to do a half assed quick job and do it better with more flair…
A person can learn a lot from using trial and error to learn how to do new things. Hopefully what we grow is wisdom and discernment as we use it.
As I’m getting older, I sometimes need a good strong fart to get off the chair I’m on. A poster was pointed out to me that acupuncture could be used to deal with addictions. Can it be that acupuncture might become addictive by itself then?
A concern of mine for years is the ever growing number of people on our planet. With seven billion and counting, just how sustainable is it for us to keep going? How long will it be before Mother Nature or Planet Earth bites us on the ass with an environmental catastrophe?
On your journey through life, don’t focus on the destination you’re going to. Instead keep an eye on what you can learn, enjoy and contribute on the way…
What is more important, to fall in love or be filled with love. It’s more about appreciating and contributing to Life without expecting anything back.
I read and agree that the Universe provides authentic needs of a person. These being to express the love that is within oneself, care and affection for Life, concern for our Earth and desire for quality companionship. The creator of authentic power doesn’t involve justifying your activities or decisions, and requires responsible choices to do so.
Are 80 to 90% of our thoughts at any given moment really worth thinking about?…
Prior to passing along information to an individual or to a group, ask yourself if it’s beneficial, neutral or harmful to the listeners…
I agree with Voltaire when he said; “Common sense isn’t so common.”
Here is one thing I don’t get. In Genesis 3 there was supposed to be a tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden. On this tree was fruit that Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat. What exactly was with this fruit that God forbid Adam and Eve to eat it? Why would God care less, or get so pissed off with the rest of us since then, by telling us we have a sinful nature?
Can you imagine the consequences if God had access to an off switch that could eliminate the human race? If God exists and decided show time is over, God would lose patience and do us in. But I would think God is above having human emotions.
Ron Murdock has lived and worked in Western Canada all his life, and will continue to do so until his last day on Planet Earth. He has a good number of interests and hobbies which include dogs, freight trains, baseball and astronomy. Ron wants to know what the truth is, and nothing but the truth, and will do what research it takes to find it. The best compliment he can get is when a person says his writing, or what he says, gets them seeking.