Part 9 of Ron Murdock’s mental wanderings and random thoughts seeks fire, inspire and mentally perspire your mind.
Imagine if 7 billion people started learning how to think at the same time. Talk about a profound change for our planet…
I got a good laugh over an ad on a Nelson radio station that mentioned beautiful downtown Taghum. There is maybe two stores there, three at the most in Taghum.
How often do we miss a moment that we’ve been waiting for? The good news is that there will be a similar moment coming at some future time. You just have to be in the present moment and be aware enough to take advantage of it.
To ask an old question; is a Zebra white on black or black on white?…
When someone says to me ‘give me a call’ I ask them what a call looks like. This is so I can find a call and give it to them…
Do you think of nothing or no thing?
I have to ask how much distractions keep us from seeing what is really happening in our world…
Big Brother watching you is a big enough problem, but a larger concern is Little Sister peeking through the keyhole. Or is it Big Momma keeping an eye on things?…
It’s one thing to believe in the possibility of something existing, but it’s another matter to know it exists.
How many emergencies are exploited to keep the human race in a state of fear or go into crisis mode?
There is the American Express credit card. Why don’t we have one called Canadian Express?…
Here is an expression that could cause confusion in a person’s mind. It goes ‘Hello, is this the good-bye club’, or ‘Good-bye, is this the hello club’?
Has it come to the point that in our world that the truth has become fiction and fiction has become the truth?…
I prefer to read non-fiction or at least what passes as such. I say this as I find a lot non fiction is rather questionable information.
I’m glad that I don’t have a TV or computer at home. The temptation to overuse them is too high. The time consumption is a factor, time I can use for other things like visiting neighbours, reading and meditation.
It would be something if the future was more like Huxley’s Brave New World instead of Orwell’s 1984.
I think I’ll take my 15 minutes of fame in one or two minute installments…
No matter how many places you plan to go in a day, enjoy getting there and make the best of being there not just go through the motions…
We’re living longer that past generations but is the quality of life any better or are we becoming over medicated zombies? Who wants to live longer if their quality of life isn’t very good?
As individuals we have to learn how to think as opposed to being told what to think. I can’t emphasize this enough. We can no longer let any group or committee to think for us or we could be hoodwinked into believing anything or selling our souls so to speak. Some are doing what they can do to make things better but others must be letting their egos get in the way. Taking back our thinking ability is getting back what we relinquished to others or to a sect of some kind.
If leaders want to fight a war, then why don’t they fight each other instead of sending innocent young men and women to fight their battles?
If a lot of us took a good look at the clutter in our mind, it would resemble scenes from the TV show Hoarders…
Which way is better to raise a child? Show them how to live their lives, or to protect them from those who would indoctrinate them?
Passion has a place in life but does it compensate for differences in lifestyle or education? Plus how does passion by itself put food on the table or pay the rent?
Another thing that is lacking in our global village is the ability to read. It’s more than seeing or scanning words on a page but reading ‘between the lines’ to get at the points the writer is getting at.
Ron Murdock has lived and worked in Western Canada all his life, and will continue to do so until his last day on Planet Earth. He has a good number of interests and hobbies which include dogs, freight trains, baseball and astronomy. Ron wants to know what the truth is, and nothing but the truth, and will do what research it takes to find it. The best compliment he can get is when a person says his writing, or what he says, gets them seeking.