The Perfect Gifts For Old People This Christmas
“Finding just the right Christmas present for old people can be hard, so here are a few valuable tips about what old people want for Christmas, from an old person!”
~ Haywire Willy
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Loose Video Transcript of What Old People Really Want For Christmas
By Haywire Willy
Howdy folks, Haywire Willy here.
As the final lingering leaves dance to Autumn’s last call, and fluffy flakes of snow begin to blow, I find my thoughts turning toward the upcoming winter holidays. And of course, to the whole matter of giving presents.
Now, I reckon that finding presents for kids is right easy, because the available choices for them are almost overwhelming. But, the older that folks get, the more that they already have, and the less they really need. And to complicate matters, the gifts that they really want become very different as time goes on. Therefore, selecting something that old people want for Christmas gets a whole heap harder as the years go by.
Gift For An Old Person
So if you’re one of those folks who are trying to figure out a gift for an old person, here’s a little insider insight from an old person about what old people really want for Christmas.
Old people want to stop aching from decades of struggle and difficulty.
They want to be young once more, and for that scary old person to stop staring at them in the mirror.
They want something to do, someone to talk to, and to have a sense of purpose once again.
But most of all, what old people want for Christmas is to be able to travel back through time.
They want to go back and undo the things that they shouldn’t have done, and take back things that they shouldn’t have said.
They Want A Chance To Go Back
And they want a chance to go back and do and say the things that they should have, but didn’t.
What they want is to have a chance to go back and set things right, to say that they’re sorry, and to explain why They did what they did.
They want their lost loved ones back.
They want their independence and dignity back.
They want their old lives back.
They want to laugh so hard once again that they pee.
They want regret to stop haunting and taunting them.
And some just want the pain, loneliness, and sadness to end.
What Old People Really Want For Christmas
What old people really want for Christmas is for young folks to stop looking at them and treating them as incompetent and useless.
They want to be honoured and adored, or at least acknowledged.
They want for folks to see ‘them’, not what time has done to them.
Old people want to be able to still whisper secrets, crack jokes, and give advice.
They want to feel laughter, to hear love, and to know they ‘belong’.
They want your touch, your voice, to see your face, and to hold your hand.
And when that’s not possible, they want something that lets them know that they haven’t been forgotten.
For what old people want for Christmas is no longer what’s in hands, but what’s in hearts, because to them that’s the true treasure. So instead of mass produced cards, mass produced gifts, and mass produced emails, start giving them what they really want.
Give Them Something That Connects
Give them something that connects them to you, and says I love and remember you.
Make them a calendar from old and new family photos, or give them an old wood spoon, tool, or garment they once used, framed up all fancy like it’s an exhibit in a county fair.
Give them a toy from long, long ago, or a secret something that only they will know the significance of.
Give them gifts that remind them daily that they’re treasured and remembered, things that silently remind them that someone loves and values them.
You see, what old people want for Christmas is to know that someone beyond those walls is concerned and cares, and misses them as much as they are missed.
So I guess what I’m really saying is that the presents old people really want for Christmas is the thing that they’ve always wanted more than anything else, and that there’s your presence.
But if you can’t be present with them during the holidays, then at least give them a call, or take the time to give them a simple gift that very simply and beautifully says, “I love you – then, now, and forever”.
Presence Is The Best Presents
And that there is what old people want for Christmas. Happy Holidays everyone! You all come back now, you here?
I’m Haywire Willy, a right opinionated senior citizen who loves to share his views on life with anyone willing to listen. Old people like me have learned a few things here and there, and sometimes it’s nice to share them. I live with Crazy Lady and our two amazing cats, none of which like to hear the aforementioned opinions. I’m neither socially or politically correct (and no intention of being so). What I am, is anti-establishment, anti-social, and consumed with anecdotes. I tell things like I see them, and I see things that a lot of folks choose not to see, in ways most that folks never see. So if you enjoying listening to the inside of someone else’s mind, you’ll likely enjoy the thoughts of my kind. Oh, and I truly do appreciate you watching my videos.