By Ron Murdock
While I find technology has made life easier for us, has it on the other hand made us into communication junkies? Smart phones, I pads, cell phones, lap tops and so on does help a person find a lot of information in a very short time. I find Facebook a convenient way of staying in contact with people I’ve known for awhile. I don’t “friend” just anyone. I’d rather know someone for some time before I consider them a friend. I swear by email as it gets my messages to its destination in an instant.
A drawback to the new technology is that we lose some level of intimacy that face to face communications provides. As a result many of us fail to take in what is offered in life. We miss out on paying attention to friends and family or to the cycles of nature. When a person reads and eats at the same time how much do they retain of what they’ve read or remember what their food tasted like? I’m willing to believe most days go by in a blur for most people.
With all the hand held gadgets around I wonder if the thumb is the most muscled part of the human body. Despite the advantages technology provides is it contributing to othe overall dumbing down and rising rudeness levels so prevalent these days? Ignoring those sitting at the same table with you while using the cell phone or texting someone isn’t impressive. It’s time to get a grip on the situation and start living in the moment. Is it that hard to do? Plus hand held gadgets can be an addiction for some. If you don’t think so try to leave it alone for two or three days.
I’ll try to stay out of any conspiracy theories but how much are these machines controlling us? Is it possible that subliminal messages, via these gadgets, are brainwashing us into a zombie like state? Just think how our viewpoints and thinking habits can be affected by those behind the scenes. One can’t be gulliable enough to believe that the purposes here are for the betterment of society. Are we beng manipulated into serving a behind the scenes group pushing their private agenda? We need to develop critical thinking, become human beings once again not flesh and blood machines. We need to clear inside our heads of unwanted clutter.
I can’t see how a person can sit in front of a computer for long periods of time. I really don’t want a computer at home, therefore I use public computers. It keeps the temptation to use the Inter-Net at bay. Then I get exercise by walking to where the computers are. I deal with people in real life circumstances not their on-line versions as they can reinvent themselves time and time again. Too bad as life is complicated enough without getting involved with other peoples issues, dramas and agendas.
Cutting down time with technology opens up time to do other things. Getting a good sleep. Taking deeper breaths. Meditate. Experiencing Mother Nature first hand. Getting involved in other personal hobbies. Watch what is going on not just see. Listen to what is happening not just hear.
It’s time to wake up and gain the necessary strength to reclaim our lives back.