The first key to wisdom is constant and frequenting questioning for by doubting we are led to question and by questioning we arrive at the truth. – Pierre Abeland. 11the century philosopher.
I first heard of David Icke in the mid 1990’s. I was sent an article on Icke that appeared in the Georgia Straight, an arts/entertainment paper in Vancouver B.C. After reading the article I borrowed a book written by Icke called ‘And The Truth Shall Set You Free.’ A lot of what was written confirmed and expanded what my suspicions on what was happening in our world both past and present.
Reading icke’s perspective on things is quite interesting. It opened up my eyes to what is going on the world. It started to make sense such as nothing happens by accident and has been in the works for years. A small group of ultra-rich families are running most events from behind the scenes. I came to believe they are pulling the strings in the fields of religion, politics and economics. From here it is easy quite easy to keep most people in mental straight jackets.
I’ve come to four conclusions regarding David Icke. One is that Icke is a very good fiction writer. Second is that Icke may need to do more research so he can be taken more seriously. Third if Icke is right and close to the truth then we are in deeper trouble than we are originally thought. Fourth is Icke may be a plant He has been speaking and writing the same topics for years. I’m surprised Icke hasn’t disappeared. But I do give Icke credit for one thing, that being he keeps doing what he does knowing that most people think his work is rubbish.
As I do my own investigation and research for the truth most of what Icke does makes sense to me. There is so much false information out there surrounding us’ Icke is on to some thing. I find it fascinating to seek any information that being hidden from the general public land why it is.
I hope Icke has people starting to ask hard questions. This is a good thing as long as soft answers aren’t being accepted. People need to develop critical thinking abilities that starts in school. It’s no longer safe out there anymore, we can’t accept anything at face value.
It’s good to keep an open mind to discern incoming information. Like David Icke said; ‘If I believe exactly the same thing three months from now as I do today, I’d be disappointed’.
Ron Murdock has lived and worked in Western Canada all his life, and will continue to do so until his last day on Planet Earth. He has a good number of interests and hobbies which include dogs, freight trains, baseball and astronomy. Ron wants to know what the truth is, and nothing but the truth, and will do what research it takes to find it. The best compliment he can get is when a person says his writing, or what he says, gets them seeking.