Watch and take note of your thoughts before you act on them. Keep an eye on who you hang around with before becoming part of their group. Keeping the Sabbath is your time to use wisely. Over time you’ll become a new person. You will be better off with those people doing something positive with their life.
Taking a Sabbath is to slow down. This includes the rest of the week. The mind is a very active entity. So it takes a lot of effort to slow the mind down. Learn how to observe just not look, listen just not hear, read just not scan. Another thing to deal with is distractions, especially with useless information. Or when driving a vehicle, crossing the street of rail tracks.
During the Sabbath or even during the week I limit my TV viewing. Most of it is plain rubbish and fear mongering. Newscasts never present both sides of a story. It has me wonder who pulling their strings.
I take time throughout the day to clean the clutter from my mind. I get rid of the non-essential information. So I have space tor the important stuff.
When on unplugs on a Sabbath it gives them a chance to see our role in life. One needs a clear head to do this, along with a honest appraisal a person will see what they truly worship. Hopefully it is Jesus, but one can worship several other things. It could be sports, technology, a celebrity or other idols. Doing a Sabbath gives one a chance to examine their life. They can get away from routine and the extreme stimulus and internal noise for 24 hours.
There are things to do on the Sabbath Day. A person can sit outside and enjoy nature. Watch trains, interact with a dog or other pet. The key is to enjoy the Sabbath by the spirit of it not by the law of it.
There isn’t right or wrong way of celebrating the Sabbath. Maintaining balance in your life is a must. The best ideas one gets is when their mind is in a relaxed state.
Ron Murdock has lived and worked in Western Canada all his life, and will continue to do so until his last day on Planet Earth. He has a good number of interests and hobbies which include dogs, freight trains, baseball and astronomy. Ron wants to know what the truth is, and nothing but the truth, and will do what research it takes to find it. The best compliment he can get is when a person says his writing, or what he says, gets them seeking.