Finding A Job Hard Is Hard To Do Finding a job today is much harder today than it once was, because employers seem to now demand impossible employment standards. The video “Impossible Employment Standards” by Haywire Willy are his thoughts about the changes in employment requirements that he’s seen take place over the last 50 years. If you’re unemployed and …
I Miss Mud Puddles ‘I Miss Mud Puddles’ is a trip through time to my childhood, and one of the ways I coped with a world that made no sense to me. A world of mud puddles, leaf ships, mythical lands, monsters and adventures of every kind, all in kingdoms far, far away. ~ HayWire Willy Be sure to visit …
Dang Dumbasses with Special Guest Mark From Alaska “In this video I look into the remarkably stupid things that smarty-pants people, also known as dang dumbasses, say to make themselves look and/or sound intelligent. My good buddy, and true Alaskan wild man, Mark, shares an Alaskan bush point of view about said statements and people as well!” ~ Haywire Willy …
The world is in crisis, and the solution is more old dirt roads. ~ Haywire Willy Old Dirt Roads | Why They Would Make The World Better Old dirt roads would make the world better because they were the connecting rods of nation’s engines. Old dirt roads led to families, gardens, and fresh milk. Old dirt roads were old fashioned …
The Perfect Gifts For Old People This Christmas “Finding just the right Christmas present for old people can be hard, so here are a few valuable tips about what old people want for Christmas, from an old person!” ~ Haywire Willy There are two ways of enjoying ‘What Old People Really Want For Christmas; you can watch the video and …