Intelligence Toilet II Is Appealing To Female Customers
Toto, the Japanese toilet maker that came up with the Intelligence Toilet back in 2005, has done it again, but this time making their toilet more appealing to female customers.
Costing up to $6,100, the Intelligence Toilet II, just like its predecessor, offers its users a mini-physical every time they answer the call of nature.
Toilet Checks Your Blood Pressure
To help you stay in touch with your healthier side, the toilet checks your blood pressure, urine sugar, BMI and weight measurements. But that’s not all! The Intelligence Toilet II version comes with an additional function for women. It measures urine temperature and hormone balance.
Ideal Time To Get Pregnant
The information collected by the Intelligence Toilet II can now be used to determine the basal body temperature and hormone balance in women, which makes keeping track of your menstruation cycles easier, and helps determine the ideal time to get pregnant.
All the information collected by the toilet is sent through your home network to your PC, where it can be monitored and printed in the form of charts and graphs.