A recent article about the Me Too Movement got me taking a further look at this group.
I really hope this movement stays focused on what needs to be done. No one should feel obligated or forced to stay in an abusive relationship of any kind. Any abuser should pay the full price for what they did. But, if the #MeToo Movement starts being a witch hunt is when I question their motives. No man should have his career or life ruined by trumped up charges, or false accusations. If a man charged a woman with abuse, would it be taken seriously?
I don’t want to see the #MeToo Movement start to tar all men with the same brush. Turn around isn’t always fair play, as how would a woman feel about being lumped into the same group as a man hater? I can understand a woman saying no to sexual advances, but if a man does it, he shouldn’t be made out to be a jerk or gay. I like to be honest, but I don’t want to have to be overly cautious on what I say to a woman in case it gets misinterpreted.
He Said, She Said Situation
There have been times I’ve been leery of being alone with a woman in case it gets to be a he said, she said situation. One might just as well flip a coin on who gets believed. Just how much more tension can male – female relations take? Like we really need another us versus them mindset to deal with.
What will it do to the women’s movement on a whole if men limit their time with any woman? This could include several different scenarios. Like if the battle of sexes will ever be won, both sides fraternize with each other to much. Men and women need each other, or the human race will cease to exist.
We can no longer push things too far into one direction or we will totally destroy what could have been very healthy. Things could get worse if the minority ruins it for the majority. Legitimate abuse claims do need to be dealt with and not get swept under the rug, or kept in a dark closet. The witch hunt must stop as men and women are in this together.
Support Groups For Men
I’m glad to hear that support groups for men are forming. Regardless of gender, no person should be intimidated to the point they keep silent for fear of repercussions. No one needs to lead their life in that state. Everyone needs a safe place to go so they can unload all the icky gooey stuff inside them.
People want to be accepted for who they are and not be bulled for any reason. The ‘old boys way’ of doing things can be tossed into the nearest dumpster. Things need to change, because the ‘this is the way we’ve always done things’ is no longer necessary.
Speak Up If You See Any Form Of Violence
The code of silence has no place in modern times. It doesn’t say much when onlookers see a crime, yet do nothing to assist the victim. It isn’t a joke, as the victim has family and friends. Does a person need to be reminded that it is immoral, if not illegal, to do nothing? How would that onlooker feel if they were called into court to testify as a witness? Or, how would that onlooker feel if it was their loved one being victimized, and people who witnessed it did nothing?
Hopefully it will never be too late for anyone to heal. I don’t think jail is appropriate in every case, when restitution is a better option. Change happens when people take a stand.
Ron Murdock has lived and worked in Western Canada all his life, and will continue to do so until his last day on Planet Earth. He has a good number of interests and hobbies which include dogs, freight trains, baseball and astronomy. Ron wants to know what the truth is, and nothing but the truth, and will do what research it takes to find it. The best compliment he can get is when a person says his writing, or what he says, gets them seeking.