Flair Hair® Visor, The Original Visors With Hair Just when you think you’ve seen it all… Have a buddy who’s a little sensitive over his hair loss? Well, we’ve found the perfect gift, Flair Hair! You’re thinking that ‘this has to be a gag’, right? Well, you are half right. Hats with hair are a hot fashion accessories for men …
With so much flooding going on, how does a chic girl stay fashionable? The Northern Star scoured the internet to find a solution, and did. We now proudly present, for your aquatic adventures, High Heeled Flippers! They’re perfect for staying in fashion as your home is swept away by raging rivers. Unfortunately, the only High Heeled Flippers that we could …
Meow Tech Fashion In Japan cats are very popular. So popular that soon you may see many people walking around with cat ears on their heads! ‘Necomimi’ (cat ears) are hi-tech fashion. Not only are they fun to wear, they’re designed to communicate. Necomimi uses non-invasive neuroimaging technologies to read and express the emotions of the wearer. If the person is …
Sweetly Scented Garments The Otoko Kaoru (good-smelling man) Fragrant Shirt was released for sale in Japan and attracted a lot of attention from retailers, who snapped up the first run of these sweetly scented garments. I mean, who doesn’t want to go through their day and get home smelling like a bed of roses? “Fashion is in the air, borne …
Elf ears the latest trend? Fantasy film buffs of Lord of the Rings and Avatar have taken their obsessions to whole new levels, by having their ears shaped into ‘elf ears”, even though the craze has many possible health risks. The operation to get elf ears involves the top cartilage of the ears being sliced apart, and then sewn back together, …
No Extra Money? Thank goodness for the Beauty Lift High Nose Electric Nose Lift. Plastic surgery can cost a fortune, and in these times, not too many people have the extra money to get that perfect nose. But all is not lost. Now you can have that perfect schnoz. No scalpels, no doctors and it won’t break the bank! The …
Have you ever gone to get that great family portrait taken, only to have your kids refuse to smile? Or, how about visiting a relative’s house and having to beg your child to smile and act happy to see old Uncle Fred? Well, you’re not alone. All parents, at some point, want their children to put on a fake smile. …
Are these platform shoes for you? For those who want to stand out in a crowd, there are now platform shoes with a whopping nine inch high heel. With a price tag of under $100 for a pair, these platform shoes are priced perfectly for those who feel vertically challenged or drag queens. The low price is a good thing, …
Did Leonardo da Vinci Use The Same Model For Christ and Judas? Is it true or false that Leonardo da Vinci used the same model for both Christ and Judas? The truth is that it’s false. It’s said that Leonardo da Vinci took over ten years to paint the masterpiece ‘Last Supper’ because he was so picky about the models …
Flylashes might not be for the squirmish! For many who are not blessed with lush lashes, they opt for false eyelashes. Just glue on some fake ones, and they enhance your eyes. Flylashes Are The Latest Craze Fake eyelashes come in many different lengths and colors. Some have glitter and even feathers. Jessica Harrison, a British artist, took false eyelashes …
The Next Fashion Accessory Of The Future? A cutting-edge accessory has left Mexican fashion lovers gasping for breath. Designer Gianfranco Reni unveiled a crystal-coated gas mask at the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Mexico City, turning an iconic item from the Cold War era into a haute couture accessory for his military-inspired clothing line, titled “My Army.” “It’s how I would …
Have you looked in the mirror lately, concerned about gravity taking it’s toll? Are your facial features sagging a little too much, but plastic surgery just isn’t for you? The answer to your problems may be the Face Flexor Mask! This patented little exercise invention is designed to firm up drooping facial flesh with quicker and better results than plain …