Exposing B.S. For What It Is Part 2 by Ron Murdock
Imagine when the day comes when no one believes you anymore because of the amount of B.S. (bullshat) you’ve told over time. It would be quite embarrassing to try explaining yourself and retract the B.S. going around, what function it serves and how people put up with so much of it. It seems as if people don’t want to think things through and blindly accept what B.S. does to us as individuals or as a group.
Apparently a few years ago one fellow said everything is B.S. If this is true this comment is B.S. which rather would defeat the purpose of what his comment set out to do. It’s hard to expect all the B.S. to be taken seriously unless it’s a subconscious effort to provide material for stand up comics. What has all the B.S. done to our thinking ability, brain cells and other mental or physical functions? Overall it shows how the human race can kid itself into believing anything. It doesn’t say much for our state of mind as a species.
To elaborate on how B.S. and social bonding to hand in hand. A person can pretend to have a desire or feeling to bond with another person or group of any size. Just witness the situation at a rock concert, political rally, sporting event or religious revival. How many dissenting opinions does one hear at these venues? It’s more likely that the larger crowd that is involved the more the individual will dissolve into the collective mess of group think or mind meld. Adolf Hitler, evil as he was, knew this well and it worked wonders as he delivered his massive and hypnotic B.S. on the German people from 1933 to 1945.
It brings up a point on just how hypnotic B.S. is. Most of us are social creatures and some of us are so lonely or bored enough to “sell out” to be become part of a group. I find this sad as a person can give up rational thinking just to follow some mindless drivel. This is no to say all groups are bad, some are out to improve the local or global situation using consultation so everyone can contribute to a common goal. One needs to decipher between good groups and bad ones.
B.S. is a way of cutting corners or taking shortcuts in communicating with others. It takes a lot of self discipline to tell the truth. To B.S. constantly must sear a person’s conscience after sweeping so much under the proverbial rug or hiding the truth in a closet or attic.
Some of the biggest whoppers in the B.S. field is how we present ourselves to the world. The internal public relations fudges a lot of information and sanitizes it before we present it to others. All in the name of impressing others enough to like us and fit in. But I think there must be better ways of dealing with insecurities such as facing them directly and not covering them up. Otherwise it’s a case of brown nosing so much the person involves has s–t stains all over their face.
Everyone has a pretty good idea of the B.S. factor in politics and religion but sex is another topic that has a high level of B.S. to it. People either regard sex a taboo to be avoided at all costs or they B.S. so much on how involved they are with sex. Like if anyone gets as much sex as they say they do. The B.S. regarding sex runs to either extreme with so little in the middle ground.
No matter what B.S. is called – hot air, deception, lie – all it is worth is to flush down the proverbial toilet. B.S. is so influential in keeping the us versus them mentality alive and well. If people keep fighting among themselves the easier they can be controlled. Keep the B.S. flowing and people will continue to deepen themselves in it. Just how bad with the stench become? Yet how many who B.S. a lot think they’re morally superior to others and ignore the consequences coming their way? Everyone is guilty of this regardless of their social status in life.
It’s getting to the point that two plus two equals four might be tampered with in the coming future. Authorities might try to convince us that the total is anything they want it to be at any given moment. If an award was presented for a B.S. artist there would be a lot of nominees available.
It’s open to question if a B.S.er is deliberately deceiving us or not but the doublethink here is quite high. Being truthful or lying is no longer the primary concern but to achieve some goal. It is to ask what is being concealed on the journey to this goal.
Those who B.S. on a continual basis speak from both sides of their mouth, playing the game on opposite sides so they can’t lose on any given topic.
It’s believable that B.S. has been with us since the dawn of mankind. Now with the different forms of communication available B.S. can go from local to global in an instant but the proportion of B.S. may have remained the same. To cut down on the levels of B.S. one must be able to say “I don’t know” more often rather speak on things they have no idea of what is going on or know anything about.
I know change is good but I ask one thing if groups want to replace the current B.S. system with what will become the B.S. system in the near future. When we cut the B.S. and deal with things as they are? If we don’ face all the B.S. we speak of what will happen to our civilization?
Check out The Truth About B.S.
Ron Murdock has lived and worked in Western Canada all his life, and will continue to do so until his last day on Planet Earth. He has a good number of interests and hobbies which include dogs, freight trains, baseball and astronomy. Ron wants to know what the truth is, and nothing but the truth, and will do what research it takes to find it. The best compliment he can get is when a person says his writing, or what he says, gets them seeking.