Not Your Mother’s Book On Being A Mom
Edited by Dianna Graveman, Dahlynn McKowen & Ken McKowen
As children, we gaze into our mother’s loving eyes, oblivious to the thoughts that lie just beyond our need and vision. We never consider what goes on in her mind, or suspect that sometimes the outside person and the inside person are two completely different people. We may be seeing a persona that envelopes us with love, as they secretly wish to be elsewhere, doing otherwise.
But, now there is a secret window into the mysterious maternal mind, called, ‘Not Your Mother’s Book On Being A Mom’. It is yet another jewel in Publishing Syndicate’s marvelous ‘Not Your Mother’s Book…’ series, and was cut, polished and professionally mounted by the dynamic editing team of Daylynn McKowen, Ken McKowen and Dianna Graveman.
Not Your Mother’s Book On Being A Mom is a revealing collection submitted by mothers from all parts of the nation, each bearing their soul, and being honest about what being a mom is like for them. If you’re looking for a reference book on all things prim and proper, this book is highly not recommended. However, if you are looking for an honest and poignant glimpse into what is really taking place between a mother’s ears, this book is definitely required reading.
The best way to sum up Not Your Mother’s Book On Being A Mom, is that it is an excellent compendium of maternal fears, cheers, and dealing with sneers. Its honesty is refreshing (though sometimes mildly disturbing), its humor is uplifting, and its advice is simply priceless. This book is highly recommended as a gift at weddings, bridal and baby showers, or as a hand delivered “Yes, its going going to be dreadful, dear, but you can do it…” mental health guide.
Kudos to the Publishing Syndicate for knocking yet another one out of the park, and for helping people to understand the world around them a little bit better through its engaging ‘Not Your Mother’s’ series. So, for soon to be, or already are parents, take advantage of the 64 stories, written by moms about raising their families, that compose ‘Not Your Mother’s Book On Being A Mom’. They are precious, delightful and insightful guides through the terrifying minefield known as motherhood.
Bookworm Rating:
Book Review By: W. Lewis, Publisher at The Northern Star