Book Review: The Handmaid’s Tale Part 1 Book Review: The Handmaid’s Tale Part 2 In a moment of honest prayer Offred wondered if Gilead was what God intended to happen I would think not as duty and obligation replaced love. 1st Thessalians in the New Testament said that the Holy Spirit was not to be quenched. It is as if …
Read the Book Review: The Handmaid’s Tale Part 1 The Handmaid’s Tale Part 2. Some things changed when Gilead replaced the USA. Every one kept to the social ranking assigned to them, and a dress code was given to them. It sounded as if money no longer existed, but the black market seemed to thrive. Like many societies prior to …
The Handmaid’s Tale by Canadian author, Margaret Atwood, is a prime example of what a daytime horror is all about. Hopefully it doesn’t become a work of prophecy. It is frightening to think that some group might want to bring this book out of fiction into reality. The Handmaid’s Tale is a strong warning about absolute power getting into the …
Welcome to my random thoughts. – Over the years I’ve looked at a large number of conspiracy theories. My conclusion is that there isn’t much to most of them, as they are just another belief system. If there is any truth to them, it’s more about the money involved with the likes of Big Pharma or similar large groups. Mind …
Reality Or Virtual? Are we grounded in reality, or a virtual one created by technology? The following article of mine could very well be fiction turning into reality if it hasn’t done so already. I write it as a warning of what may come if it isn’t already in place now. Technology itself is neutral. It’s how technology is used …
A Cell In The Body Of Humanity It’s obvious that when a crowd forms the individual gets overwhelmed by the collective mindset and essentially ceases to exist. Classic examples are political rallies, rock concerts, religious revivals and sporting events. It’s one thing to get into the spirit or flow of things, but it’s another matter when a person becomes no …
There are a number of books in the marketplace that are quite accurate on what the authors saw coming. While they weren’t 100% right they were close enough calls to be eerily similar to what is happening in today’s world. Most of these books started off a fiction, some are turning into non-fiction. It’s like those behind the scenes are …
Chaos shouldn’t be accepted as normal. I can’t comprehend how most of the human race puts up with all the lies that are out there. If they don’t accept it from outside sources then they invent some story line of their own to convince others it’s true. While it’s okay to have an opinion or even better to know what …
Me Too isn’t always supported by me too. ‘What are we going to do about…’ is a question I take with a grain of salt. Until I find out who ‘we’ are and which direction they’re going on the subject matter I won’t be joining up. Like Groucho Marx said one time; ‘I don’t trust organizations that has people like …
If You Could Be Invisible A co-worker said he would check out what was happening behind the scenes at banks and police departments. He wants to find out what they are really up to. Then he would board planes bound for overseas locations. After doing both he could hardly wait to come home and become visible to his wife and …
UFO Sighting Reports From Southern British Columbia by Ron Murdock Back in July 2018 I had two UFO sightings within a few days of each other. Both were observed from where I live in the south part of Penticton. The first sighting was around 1:35 a.m. It was west of a crescent moon and the craft looked as if it …
‘Social engineering uses influences and persuasion to deceive people by convincing them that the social engineer is someone he or she is not by way of manipulation. As a result the social engineer is able to take advantage of people to obtain information with or without the use of technology’ – From the book ‘The Art Of Deception’ by Kevin …
The Mystery Of Vivenus Starchild By Ron Murdock A few years ago I’d written an article for UFO Digest about a woman supposedly named Vivenus Starchild. And her story’s one that I’m still skeptical about to this day. It would have been interesting to have a face to face conversation with her to find out what she was all about. …
Here is part 21 of Ron Murdock’s random thoughts and mental wanderings, also known as a glimpse beyond the absurd found deep in the mind of a mind miner. Money is a great way to compromise a person. Just tell them what to do, when and how to do it or threaten to cut back or eliminate their funding. Same …
Here are more expressions we can do without in part 2 of Expressions We Can Do Without by Ron Murdock. We hope you enjoy! ‘Everything in moderation’ is good when used in a dietary sense. But there are times when one needs to break out of their usual routine of doing things and go for the gusto. ‘A little white …