The sport of extreme ironing was born in 1997, when the British mountaineer, Phil (Steam) Shaw, was uncertain whether to stay home and do laundry, or go climbing, so he did both. As a joke, he knocked off a few shirts at the summit, having toted his ironing board and iron with him. Word (and photographs) of the stunt spread …
From A Galaxy Far, Far Away Now papyrus Jedis can create their own light sabers with easy to follow instructions and pre-printed paper. Chris Alexander has searched the reaches of the Empire and brought us ‘Star Wars Origami: 36 Amazing Paper-folding Projects from a Galaxy Far, Far Away’. Paper Folding Adventure This book is a paper-folding adventure and Star Wars …
Ski Video Goggles Stream The Excitement OhO 4K Ski Goggles feature a built-in camera involve fewer straps than a separate action camera and get the lens closer to eyes in order to better capture the users point of view. Live streaming capability means friend and family see what you see, live and in real time. Camera Sunglasses OhO had already …
Dink Shrinking Popular With Children While shopping the other day, Crazy Lady came across Shrinky Dinks and just had to take a picture of this interesting named toy. After reading up about Shrinky Dinks though, I realized I must be living a sheltered life, because Shrinky Dinks have been around for quite some time! Brainstorming Activity Ideas Faced with a …
Throughout the ages, different sports have gained popularity, and then for obscure, and often unknown reasons, fell out of favor and took their place in the dust drenched halls of has-beens. While we cannot answer the question of what happened to those ancient games, we can readily see the imminent demise of one of my favorite sports, hockey. At one …
Did The Price Is Right Show Rig A Game? Generations of people have watched the Price is Right, with baited breath, as Bob Barker (and now Drew Carey) led contestants to a staircase, at the top of which, with all the scientific precision of a government, they dropped large flat disks down a sloped board with round stakes protruding. Fishing …
A man cave just is not complete without custom recreational pieces. Every Joe has a pool table, but now you can custom order a ‘cool’ table. Since 2009, Car Pool Tables have been purchased by collectors, and appeared worldwide in newspapers, magazines, television programs and on internet sites. Each pool table is molded from a real collector car, then is painted and …
Str8ts is a word game created by of Syndicated There are literally a billion people who love to play Sudoku faithfully, and we want to let them know about another game called Str8ts, that they will really enjoy. While similar in style to Sudoku, it’s perhaps even more fun! Some of you may remember when the creator of Str8ts …
Slot and casino games are a big hit on Facebook. It seems like every few weeks, a new casino game is being developed. One of the latest, launched on June 21, 2012, is the game ‘Jackpot Party Casino’ , which is ran by Williams Interactive LLC (WMS), and Phantom EFX (a newly merged division of WMS). Jackpot Party Casino features …
Skateistan is probably the coolest organization that’s come along in a long, long time, and it’s doing in Afghanistan what the world’s greatest military strategists could not. As soon as Australian skateboarder, Oliver Percovich, dropped his board in Kabul in 2007, he was surrounded by the eager faces of children of all ages who wanted to be shown how to …
Now you can turn your backyard, park or man cave into your personal practice driving range or batting cage! The RukkNet is simple and FAST to set up and take down, generous in size, durable, light-weight, versatile, and most of all- affordable. It pops-up instantly to let you practice multiple sports anywhere. Use the practice net for golf, baseball, softball, …
Bull Riding Saturday night, August 11th, at the 2012 PGX in Prince George, BC. I decided to get some video of the bull riding at the PGX this year, but had problems when video taping and then major problems when converting and editing the video. The sound is totally screwed up in some parts – for sure the 7:40 mark …
The Stewart Family, from the Hearts of the West – out of Alberta, Canada – put on an amazing wild west show that included trick riding, whip cracking, trick roping, roman riding and a little bit of line dancing to get the crowd going before the bull riding competition started at the Prince George 100th anniversary PGX. The kids were …
Bull Riding Friday night, August 10th, at the 2012 PGX in Prince George, BC. Jeff Roney, of Houston B.C. rode both his bulls, and won the event with a score of 141. Click here to see Saturday’s Bull Riding at the PGX
MINECRAFT is a sandbox construction game developed for the pc by Mojang studios. The game itself has a distinct look to it as everything in the world is built out of cubic blocks that the player utilizes however they want to. Players can build fantastical structures or create complex machinery to perform amazing tasks. I myself am a mere amateur …