Billions Of People Pray Billions Of Prayers Every Day One of the oldest and most heated subjects about the spiritual realm is whether or not prayer accomplishes anything. Billions of people pray billions of prayers every day, with some praying several times a day, believing that prayer really works. Conversely, a great many people claim that prayer is nothing more …
Interspecies Communication Animals Know How To Talk | Humans Don’t Know How To Understand Anyone who’s ever had a pet knows that people have an ability to communicate with different species, also known as interspecies communication. And it’s long been assumed that humans were at the top of the communication chain, but quite incorrectly. In fact, humans may be at …
Reality Or Virtual? Are we grounded in reality, or a virtual one created by technology? The following article of mine could very well be fiction turning into reality if it hasn’t done so already. I write it as a warning of what may come if it isn’t already in place now. Technology itself is neutral. It’s how technology is used …
Traditional water filtering systems all had one major flaw; they had filters, and filters clog. Recycle up to 85% of residential water waste. Introducing a filterless water treatment system by Hydraloop Systems, who’ve invented a new approach to waste water filtration that allows homeowners to recycle up to 85% of residential waste water. Hydraloop Systems have designed a completely innovative …
Electric Bike Accessories You May Want To Consider Purchasing Electric bicycles, also known as electric bikes or e-bikes, are an awesome alternative to gas guzzling vehicles. But it’s important for electric bicycles to be equipped for the intended use, such as time of day and environment to be used in, so electric bicycle accessories may be required. If you live …
Cleaning Your Dryer Lint System Is A Must Whether electric or gas, dryers can be a serious fire hazard if not properly maintained. They create the perfect combination of elements that are needed to ignite a blaze: lint, heat, and hot dry wind. So, keeping your dryer in good working order is essential to both lowering electricity bills, and keeping …
Electric Bikes Sales Skyrocket As Gas Prices Go Up Electric Bike sales grow as gas prices continue to be artificially inflated to increase profits to greedy fossil fuel corporations. As fuel prices skyrocket at the pumps, the extreme risk to our environment from the extraction, shipping and use of fossil fuels grows worse. City traffic congestion continues to increase as …
The World’s Toughest Paper Plate Now I ain’t one to normally endorse products, but through sheer accident I stumbled across a paper plate so darn impressive that I felt compelled to shout about it to the world. And the time of year just happens to coincide nicely. It’s a type of product so mundane and so non-descript that regardless of …
By Ron Murdock It’s a fact that technology is here to stay, and what it will be like in the future remains to be seen. While a lot of good quality information can be brought up in a short period of time, the same can be said of data that is questionable if not a complete waste of time to …
Ron Murdock feels that technology is getting more invasive and addictive, and here’s his thoughts on the matter. Earlier this year Augsburg, Germany took a step in the right direction with people using their smart phones. While I don’t think it is the total solution, traffic lights are being installed into city sidewalks so pedestrians don’t have to look up …
Dealing With Information Overload Part 3 By Ron Murdock Part 1 and part 2 of Dealing With Information Overload were previously published on UFO Digest. Information Overload Here’s part 3 of Dealing With Information Overload…. Information overload is an effective method of tiring a person out so they are easier to control. Long hours on the job, multi-tasking at home …
Can you imagine if all the social media outlets went down for an extended period of time? I can see people start going into withdrawal and not being able to handle the free time. They may just have to enter a rehab clinic to detox then form their own 12 step group. I really don’t need to know who had …
Texting Causing Orthopedic Issues Are you one of millions of digital hunchbacks all hunched over busily texting away, known as ‘texters’? Texters aren’t hunchbacked because of orthopedic issues, their curvature of the spine is all from horrible and harmful posture. So, if you’re suddenly feeling neck and back pain, you might want to rethink your current texting habits. Hours Hunched …
A Skateboard, Snowboard And Tank Had A Baby A cross between a skateboard, snowboard and a tank, the DTV Shredder is the transport of the future for daily commuters and soldiers in war zones. “DTV” stands for Dual Tracked Vehicle. The DTV Shredder’s twin tank tracks and powerful 200cc engine mean that it can handle almost any terrain at high …
The Stuff Of Science Fiction Once the stuff of science fiction novels, robotics have become a part of modern life. They have displaced millions of workers, reduced production costs and are even being used in certain military and police applications. Aerial robots, called drones, already exist and are being used more and more every day to patrol the skies. But, …